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Options FollowSymLinks
AuthMySQLDB "myDatabase"
# database to connect to
AuthMySQLUser "myUser"
# if you don't specify MySQLUser.. it will try
# connecting as apache@localhost
AuthMySQLPassword "c401d500d0b32a5ec7a92fe9bc5a6895"
# password for the user connecting to the db
AuthName "myAuthName"
# presentation name
AuthType Basic
# auth type
require valid-user
# you can use user or group
AuthMySQLUserTable mysql_auth
# the table with user/pass info
AuthMySQLGroupTable mysql_auth
# the table with group info
# username field in the user table
AuthMySQLPasswordField PASSWORD
# password field in the user table
#AuthMySQLCryptedPasswords Off
# if you want clear passwords set to Off
AuthMySQLCryptedPasswords On
# i want crypted passwords (uses encrypt()
# in mysql)
#AuthMySQLMD5Passwords On
# you can use MD5.. I had trouble initially
AuthMySQLGroupField GROUP
# group field in the user table

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