Using Apachetoolbox to install apache1.3.27 with frontpage 2002 extensions.
I run into this problem when I try to use the ApacheToolbox to install the Apache webserver on a machine running Solaris 8. The ApacheToolbox is friggin' great because it builds all of your modules and applies all your patches for you. So, it's very easy to compile apache with SSL/PHP/mod_perl/mod_frontpage/etc.
Anyway, when trying to build, I got an error because the install script couldn't find fp-patch-apache_1.3.22.gz. No problem, you can get it from http://anmo10.anmo.de/frontpage/fp-patch-apache_1.3.22.gz.
Allright, then I got an error because the patch couldn't find the original mod_frontpage.c that is supposed to come with the apache distribution (or is it the frontpage extensions? I'm not sure). I was lucky in this case because I had a mod_frontpage.c file on another machine with 1.3.27.
So, I just copied this file to the apache_1.3.27 directory under the Apachetoolbox-1.5.64 directory and then re-ran the ./install.sh script.
Now, the script completed fine, but when I tried to build apache by running 'make', I got these sorts of errors.
http_request.c:581: structure has no member named `execfilename'
This error has come up about a gazillion times on the Apachetoolbox forum, but most of the suggestions didn't work for me. Thankfully, this was one time when my brain actually functioned. I remembered that I needed to add an execfilename variable to the httpd.h file in the apache src/include directory.
Specifically, I did that by looking for this line
char *filename; /* filename if found, otherwise NULL */
and I added this line below it
char *execfilename;
Note: While I still use Apachetoolbox whenever I need to install Apache on a Solaris server, I no longer install mod_frontpage with Apachetoolbox. I've found that I was getting pretty inconsitent behavior. So, I recommend installing everything else (mod_ssl, mod_perl, etc.) with Apachetoolbox and then download the frontpage server extensions from RTR's site and then just run the fp_install.sh script. This will ask you some questions about your Apache install and build mod_frontpage for you.